Synopsis: It was Christmas Eve, the most exciting day of the year. Absolutely everyone was in a happy, joyous mood waiting for the big day to arrive; all except for one – Kai, the little kitten, for she was the only one in the entire world who was afraid of Christmas! Why was Kai afraid of Christmas? Why was she so nervous avoiding Santa?
Categories: Children’s Short Stories, Animal Stories, Cat Stories, Christmas Stories, Moral Stories
Number of Words: 1327
Age Group: 3+
It was Christmas Eve, the most joyous time of the year and the entire town was buzzing with excitement.
Everyone was happy, singing carols and could not wait for the big day to arrive, all except for one.
Kai, the little kitten was nervous, for she was probably the only one in the entire world who was afraid of Christmas.
Kai walked anxiously in an alley behind the house she used to live. Pacing back and forth, she just didn’t want anyone to find her.
However, worried about Kai, her good friend Sparkles the puppy came looking and found her, a nervous wreck hiding in the alley.
“Hey Kai,” said Sparkles. “What’s going on? Why are you alone over here instead of joining us in all the fun?
Kai hesitated and then with her head down she replied “you wouldn’t understand.”
But Sparkles was not going to give up on his dear friend. After lots and lots of convincing, he finally made Kai open up.
Kai, this time looking directly at Sparkles revealed her big secret. She said “Sparkles, actually I am hiding. I am afraid of Christmas.”
At first, Sparkles could not believe his ears. He even thought it was funny and giggled. How can anyone possibly be afraid of Christmas?
Kai continued, “I have done something bad this year. And I know while all other children will get presents, Santa will be mad at me.”
What could Kai have done that would make Santa so mad, wondered Sparkles?
Confiding in her friend, Kai told Sparkles what had happened. “You know the kind family who always keeps milk for me outside their window?”
“One day they had kept the windowpane open and everyone in their house was out. I came looking for milk and when I saw the window open, I could not resist going inside.”
“I was really excited. For the first time, I had the whole place to myself. I jumped up on the kitchen counter to see what else I could find to eat. However, as I jumped up, I accidentally brushed against a glass bottle and it fell to the floor shattering into little pieces.”
“I should have just left then but I didn’t. In my excitement, I went to the living room and climbed up on the comfy couch. It was just so soft and bouncy and I had to try jump on it as little children do. However, I ended up scratching the couch cover with my paws. That’s not all, I was in there for over an hour going from one room to the other and finally, when it was time to leave, I looked back and saw the mess I had created. There were broken bottles and flower vases, there were scratch marks on the furniture and the whole place just looked a mess.”

“What was worse is that I ran away and the family who lives there must have had a really tough time cleaning things up. However, they never stopped caring for me and still keep milk and other food outside their window.”
“I just can’t get over what I did. I feel so sorry but I know Santa will be upset with me for being such a bad child. That’s why I was so afraid of Christmas this year. I can’t stand to imagine how mad Santa must be with me.”
Sparkles who was listening patiently started feeling sorry for his friend. He wanted to cheer her up and tell her everything was going to be fine but nothing he said or did made any difference to Kai. She was just too upset and could not bear to think that she disappointed Santa.
Kai simply requested Sparkles to leave her alone for a while and let her reflect on what she had done. Sparkles being the good friend he was, understood what Kai was going through and returned to his family although he did plan to come back for her later in the night.
It had become quite chilly now and Kai had started to shiver a little. She wondered what time it was and whether it was Christmas day already. She was still in the alley hiding from everyone when suddenly there was a flash of light just a few paces ahead of her. She closed her eyes for a split second and when she opened them again, she saw a sight she just couldn’t believe.
As she opened her eyes, startled by the sudden flash of light, she started getting a warm and fuzzy feeling. She saw right in front of her a man. She opened her eyes wide to see who it was.
Surely she was dreaming, she thought. Since the man standing right in front of her looked just like Santa. He appeared out of nowhere and was directly looking at her and smiling.

Ho, ho, ho laughed the man. He then introduced himself. “Hello Kai, I am Santa. I have been waiting quite a while to meet you. Glad I finally have the chance.”
Kai was just too stunned to say or do anything. She just stared at Santa and kept asking herself if this was real.
Santa continued “I have been quite impressed with you this year. Even though you haven’t asked for anything I have a special gift for you.” And he took out a neatly wrapped gift from a big red bag and placed it right in front of Kai.
Now Kai could not just believe her eyes but she began to question her ears as well. Did she hear that right? Santa, impressed with her? How was that even possible?
She could barely speak but finally managed to get a few words out. “How can you be impressed with me? You know what I did, don’t you?
Santa had a big smile on his face. “Yes, of course, I do,” he said. “Kai, I have been watching you very closely. I have been telling everyone back in the North Pole, you are the perfect example of how anyone should behave. You could actually be one of my special helpers, spreading the true meaning of what Christmas is all about.”
Kai just could not believe what she was hearing as Santa continued.
“You see Kai, everyone makes mistakes, whether a child or an adult. However, what is more important is whether we learn from our mistakes. I have been observing you and I noticed ever since that day, you have been going out of your way to ensure your actions do not bother anyone. You are being extra cautious and you are always nice to everyone and respect their space. What is most impressive is that no one had to tell you or point out your mistake. You learned on your own. That clearly shows you have a good heart. I am proud of you and it makes me really happy to personally deliver your Christmas gift.”
Kai could not care less about what was inside the gift. Santa had already given her the gift as far as she was concerned. Santa gave back her smile. Kai who was sad all this while was now grinning from ear to ear. She just did not know how to thank Santa.
“I have to get going now, Kai. It’s a busy night.” Santa asked Kai to always be the same and then flew off on his sleigh. As Kai watched Santa fly off, she just couldn’t help but think of what Santa had said to her.
Kai now knew what Santa truly looks for in children. She understood the meaning of Christmas and had a strong urge to spread the message. She decided from now on she would be Santa’s special helper, just like Santa had mentioned.
As she started to unwrap her gift, she knew things would never be the same. Kai was now the happiest kitten and just could not wait to share her experience with others.