Synopsis: Zed must stop music loving aliens when they invade Earth to take all music from our planet.

Categories: Children’s Short Stories, Alien Stories

Number of Words: 496

Age Group: 3+

On the planet of Groovy Topia, live musical aliens. These aliens LOVE music! It puts them in a good mood and they must have music playing on their planet all the time.

Unfortunately, trouble struck when the band of aliens who play music every day, broke up. Now, Groovy Topia is in danger, as all the aliens become angry without the sound of music filling their ears. The aliens were so angry, they decided to get on their mother ship and fly to earth and take over!

Meanwhile, Zed, who is the best drummer in school, their talent show is today and he is practicing his song to play in front of the whole school. As Zed is practicing in the classroom, he can see a swarm of different colored creatures running towards the school. Everyone screams in terror as the aliens bust through the door and demand everyone to leave.

“Leave earth right now! This is our planet now, humans!” A green alien said and crossed his arms, “You can’t take over the earth! This is our planet, not yours, so go back to where you came from!” Zed said.

The aliens laughed, and this made Zed confused. He wasn’t joking so why were they laughing? He was very serious. “We can’t leave you, you silly humans. We have no more music on our planet and now we have come here to take the music.” A blue alien added.

The aliens began to get angry and walk towards the class! Zed had to do something so he quickly sat down and began playing the drums which soothed the aliens. They stopped what they were doing and began to dance to the beat Zed was playing.

“I can’t play the drums forever.” Zed thought to himself. He continued to play and put the aliens in a good mood, but knew it would not last long if he stopped. Just then, Zed had a great idea! What if, he gave the aliens their instruments? That way, they wouldn’t need someone to play music for them?

Zed stopped playing and quickly rushed into the band room and pulled out every instrument there was, “Alright aliens, instead of taking over the earth, here are the instruments you can take home and play.” Zed smiled and handed the aliens each an instrument.

The aliens seemed to like the idea of learning how to play and so they marched out of the classroom while playing a lovely tune from their new instruments. Zed and the classroom cheered as the aliens left for space, but there was only one problem. The talent show was today and there were no instruments to use.

“Oh no!” Zed face palmed himself as now realized. “Well, I guess we have to use pots and pans.” Zed shrugged and the whole class laughed. Although they had no instruments, at least the aliens were happy and back at home, forming a new band with many instruments to enjoy.