Synopsis: Sandy the Sea Turtle has a big problem with a human littering the beach.

Categories: Children’s Short Stories, Ocean Stories, Animal Stories, Moral Stories

Number of Words: 712

Age Group: 3+

Sandy is a sea turtle in the Pacific Ocean. She is full of colors and is pretty small for her age. Sandy has lots of pride in being a sea turtle because what’s better than being in the ocean all day, every day?

Sandy’s favorite thing to do is to sunbathe on the shore. The sun hitting her shell, makes her feel relaxed. One day, she decided to sunbathe so she crawled out the water and onto the shore.

As she was trying to find a spot to lay in, she noticed something from afar. It was another pesky human eating their food on the beach and throwing their trash on the ground.

Sandy did not like that one bit. She loved her home and to see people ruining it, made her very angry. Sandy waddled over to the human to give them a piece of her mind.

“Hey, you, are you going to pick that up?” she questioned, as she looked up at the human. The human glanced down at her and smiled. “Hi, there! Shouldn’t you be in the water?” The human questioned her.

“Shouldn’t you be picking up your trash?” Sandy replied. The human looked down and laughed, at the trash they left in the sand. “Don’t be silly, I’m not walking way over there to throw away one piece of trash.” The human said as he laid down onto a towel.

“And why not? Littering is not only against the law, but you shouldn’t litter the beach! Creatures live here and this could damage the ocean and us.” Sandy said, as she picked up the piece of trash and threw it at the human. “Throw it away!” she demanded.

The human sat up and rolled his eyes, now feeling annoyed. “I’m not going to take orders from a turtle. Now go back in the ocean before you shrivel up and die.” The human kicked sand at Sandy’s face, got up, and walked away.

Sandy was outraged and knew that this human could not get away with his awful actions. Sandy quickly waddled over to the ocean and swam inside, calling upon her sea creature friends.

When they arrived, she told them what the human had done and was ready to seek revenge and needed help from them. “I’m ready! Let’s do it!” One of the crabs on the rock, yelled, excitedly.

“Here’s plan A, next time he comes onto the beach and litters, we’re going to take all the trash and drop it on him until he runs away. If he comes back and does the same thing, then we move onto the next plan. Tomorrow, he’ll be back and that’s when we get started.” Sandy said, with an evil grin.

The human came back the next day with a big bag of food. The sea creatures watched as he ate and hoped he would throw away his trash but then, he got up and walked to his car.

Instantly, the creatures knew he was going to leave his trash there, so they grabbed all the trash from the cans and ran towards the human, throwing it at him at the same time. The human yelled in anger, “What are you doing!?”

“Pick up your trash right now!” Sandy yelled back. “I was just coming back to my car to pick up my drink!” The human said and picked off the trash from his shirt and hair.

“Oh, oops…” Sandy said and now felt embarrassed. The sea creatures scurried away in guilt. “I’m sorry, I just thought you weren’t going to throw it away.” Sandy apologized and looked down, ashamed.

“I learned my lesson, now can we call it even? I will throw my garbage away and you leave me alone.” The human crosses his arms and squinted at Sandy. “That sounds like a plan, but if you litter again, we’re watching you.” The human laughed and shook his head. “I promise, ok?”

The human began to pick up his trash that the creatures threw at him and from then on, he never littered again. The creatures wanted the beaches as clean as possible and so did the human, now, so he vowed to always pick up his trash and any other trash he saw on the beach.